Monday, March 14, 2011

Balance and ADD

So while Marti lives in the adverse world of Big Box Land, Ghost Writer confronts the world of Balance and Attention Deficit Disorder.
Balance -- ahhh --- that holy grail of the world of work that each professional seeks.  The mystical land where work is work and play is play and there's time for both each and every day.  [A little Dr. Seuss, but you get the point.]  Balance, much like a unicorn, is fantastically beautiful and perfect and yet cannot be captured.  It can be seen and enjoyed for an infinitesimal moment, and then it flies away and we wonder if it was ever there at all.
Except right now.  Right now, I have awesome balance at work.  It's the slow season.  I have proactive projects that I keep chugging on as long as I give them a lump of coal every week to stoke the engine.  At night, or before work, I work out.  It's like I'm living in Disneyland.
Except I'm not.  I keep checking my email, almost panicked that I'm missing some emergency.  To an extent, hoping I am, since that would be way more entertaining than updating documentation due for its annual love and attention.
So I have captured the unicorn, have it in a cage as my personal pet, and really just wish it wasn't quite so in my grasp.  Which brings me to the tie with ADD.  Do Blackberries and constant demands impart ADD and dischord in our worklife?  Hmmm, that might go under the heading of, "No s#$%, Sherlock.  Brilliant deduction."  But really, it's only supposed to do that when things are broke, not when things are going well.  Right?  Wrong.  I'm too used to checking it.  Too used to responding to the chaos at the other end.
So, I'm backing away from the Blackberry.  Time to do the mundane and relish in the rate I complete it.  Time to quit hoping for the next emergency, and time to really think about enjoying what's at hand.

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People Platform HR by Marti Nelson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.