Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Belaboring A Point

Are you tired of sitting in meetings and training where a passionate executive or clueless coworker talks over "no-duh" types of information ad-infinitum? They are incapable of waiting until their item of interest comes up in the agenda. Rarely a Hero stands up and realigns the conversation or gets the team a break. Whether you are a facilitator or one of the annoying interrupters, wait for the freakin' item to hit the agenda. Write your question and ask it at the right time. Quit mucking up the snack breaks and making us late for dinner. Yes, the facilitator shares the blame for not standing up to them and at least using a "parking lot" to keep things moving. In the end, only you can break the cycle of bad meeting protocol. Stop filibustering the training and meetings that I am forced to attend. You may think I live for this job and want to hear your tangent and be late for a good meal. You are mistaken and my corporate loyalty will not stop me from mocking you at dinner for driving us all crazy.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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