Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Bi-Polar Excusorizer

Ghost Writer means no offense to those with a real mental illness and takes aim at the Excusorizor swinging from both sides of the plate.

So now that Marti has taught us all about Excusorizing, I'm seeing it everywhere. Mostly the random excusories of "we've always done it that way" or "the night crews can't be expected to". However today, I met an all-new brand of Excusorizor -- the Bipolar Excusorizor.

Excusorizor: one who uses excusories, usually to extreme.

Bipolar Excusorizor: an Excusorizor who uses both flattering and belittling or demeaning excusories in the same conversation

A typical conversation with a Bipolar Excusorizor (BPE) sounds like this. The BPE hold a conference call that starts out like this. "Hi! I know you are SO much better at this than I am, so thought you should do this. I just think this is you area, and I can't come close to doing it as good as you can."

I say, "But this isn't my job. It's your job, and I have plenty to do without doing your job, so thanks for the flattery. But you aren't talking me into it."

Conference call ends.

BPE calls back and privately says, "I would figure someone at your level of the organization would take the lead on this. You aren't meeting our expectations here. I had people call me unsolicited after the conference call to say how badly you behaved. How dare you ask me who was going to pay for this trial in front of a supplier?"

Sigh... So I reiterate this isn't my job. The call ends with the BPE thinking I'm the reason all is wrong, and I feel like an ass, because I thought he might not BPE me. (This one is a serial BPE -- does it often to certain people, especially fools like me who long to help.)

So check your world out for new forms of Excusorizors. They're hiding everywhere."

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