Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year I pulled out my old journals to work on a project and realized that I never finish using those books before moving on to the next one. The only journal I've filled is packed with notes from business books that I have skimmed. In those partial tomes of emotional rubbish, it is apparent that for many years I have been seeking peace. Looking for ways to get my head straight and begin the new year enthusiastically on board with the goals and expectations of the keepers of my terms of endenture. Those journals cover at least 4 employers, so this is not a reflection on my keepers. I should pity them for having to manage me. We all have a beast inside our heads harboring maverick thoughts and periodically enacting them. One of my sisters calls that the inner B$#*&. Either way, mine is particularly powerful and will drag it's feet behind my personal bicycle requiring a lot of effort to keep up with the day-to-day. It really hates being told what to do and prefers to be allowed to operate without supervision. Good luck being the boss of that thing, because I'm not. If you have stuck with me so far, you are wondering where we are going on this tangent. It is obvious that trying to reset myself every year to play some else's tune has been the error. This year, I'm looking for a way to sing slightly off key and mess up the tempo my own way. I have no resolutions, because being resolved seems very stressful. Maybe I'll go back and use up those partial journals. There will be plenty of ways to improvise, so why bother putting those obstacles/goals in the way. If you are wondering whether or not I bothered to reflect on last year, be assured that I did. That is a colossal mess for another time.

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People Platform HR by Marti Nelson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.