Sunday, January 8, 2012

Recess Appointments revisited

Well, so much for checks and balances. Once again our leader "chickens out" on creating unity and working out approvals for his appointees. Instead, he waits for everyone to leave and puts more people on our payroll. Want to know his reason for doing it? The Republicans wouldn't approve the appointee, and getting them on his side was just too hard. Like the "Barbie Doll" and math. Again, if an executive in a major corporation did this repeatedly, as America's chief executive has done, the board would have him removed. His lack of experience in politics and business becomes increasingly evident every day, as evidenced in his ineptitude in bringing both sides together to actually decide something within the usual process. We have hired a rookie idealist to run a super power. When each of you has time, look up the new law that overrides habeas corpus that our chief executive officer signed recently. He is bypassing our directly elected representatives and then fails to protect us from them, when the need arises. Remember, our President is not directly elected by us, the President is chosen by the electoral college. Does this guy realize he won't always be Pres and these rules will apply to him? We are already on the verge of falling into protectionism on a scale not seen since the 30's and the friends we have need us to be the grown ups in the group. While you are blaming the Republicans for not hiring your appointees, please remember that the burden for their success or failure falls squarely and exclusively on your shoulders. These folks are all your fault and no amount of verbal dodging will save you from it. More effort and persuasion up front would have spread out that burden amongst our legislators, when the appointee was approved. Oh well, they are ours now, because we almost forgot that all of us taxpayers (not the voters that don't pay their share) are the ones bank rolling these folks. I guess it is easiest to spend someone else's money, so we need to get much more careful who we elect!!!!!

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