Tuesday, April 12, 2011


It is rare that ghost writer names the alter ego. It is rare that I blog on the same night as a contributor. It is also rare that I mistakenly forward an email to my blog that I don't mind seeing there. This has been a rare week. Among these rare things is a great person that we are interviewing for possible future openings with the company. I reached out to her after a scheduling issue and we are back on track. It would have been easy to assume the negative thought that she was not interested and move on. Assuming positive intent saved the day. There was also a challenging issue where a lot of negative twists were made to things I said. I am unapologetic about my interest in handguns, the fact that some things are just funny, and that I believe people need to lighten up. Unfortunately, this can make one easy prey for anglers. I still believe that the world is abundant and that we can all have great success. The world is not a win-lose proposition and everyone has choices to find their prosperity. Remembering that there is abundance no matter what happens has lessened the pain of being used. The rare actions of contributing, assuming positive intent and remembering abundance offer a great deal of comfort in a challenging world. Engage in some rarity!

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People Platform HR by Marti Nelson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.