Monday, April 26, 2010

Filling in Boxes among other Critical Management Competencies

The further up I climb the more apparent it becomes that filling in boxes is a core competency of management. There are electronic boxes to post a job, complete the screenings, process a hire and onboard. There are more boxes to demonstrate the strategic plan, track the strategic plan and provide an infinitesimal break down of the plan. More electronic boxes to order supplies, discipline employees, record successes, and explain failures. The company becomes a vast array of boxes requiring a hierarchy of specialists to explain how to use them, correct improper uses of them, and build more of them to satisfy the data vortex. However, try extracting viable information about important aspects of the business out of the vortex. That is the true challenge requiring a whole new competency - recreating data from the indigestible blob. Filling in your own boxes on your own electronic forms to satisfy your own data vortex. There needs to be a break even point in the electronic box creation and utilization process. Has anyone tried to figure out what that point is or do you have any ideas on a formula for it? I would love to hear from you all on this one.

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