Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Nuclear Proliferation

Okay, that is just one of many phrases that I heard on the news as a child. We had cold wars, recessions, and Reaganomics. I am wondering how many people still know what an ICBM is. Regardless, people constantly strive to make sense of what is happening around them. They combine words and phrases whose meanings best identify to them what they experience. Everything from pandemic to ginormous, we are getting redonkulous with our verbiage. Whatever happened to Keep It Simple Stupid, yes, I mean stupid. Doesn't epidemic say enough about how pervasive the disease has become? Isn't gigantic big enough on it's own and isn't ridiculous self-explanatory? Since my first writing class, the lesson was to be concise. Provide just enough imagery to appeal and fit the words to the audience. There was not a class on creating your own words, in lieu or growing one's vocabulary to find the expression you need. Now that we go granular and maybe even pixelated, the fate of the English language must be nuclear until they go subatomic on that. Here's to nuclear proliferation.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting perspective... a colleague of mine called this, "Godzilla is coming!" His comment being in the context of the evening news being almost inflammatory in content. Every broadcaster, in the quest to elicit a response from an audience, seems to be using an increasingly larger form of, "Godzilla is coming!"


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